Saturday, September 27

london's being surprisingly warm (i can walk around in a tshirt) and sunny. so decided to go rowing over at richmond today with my uncle - whilst my parents lazed on the riverbank and had ice cream. hah i managed to "accidentally" splash a few people.

sigh trips with parents can be rather... taxing. not to sound like an ungrateful child but i seriously have a bad feeling about moving into hall with my parents tagging along. hey even huay shan agrees it's awkward. but between my dad criticising my university (what's new) and calling me stupid, i managed to convince them to go to bath tomorrow and paris next week! and that also solves my indecision to go for the melee and lights & sounds gig. freak just think about the ohsogood food. oh man i can feel my jeans tightening. 

as school draws nearer, starting again in an entirely new country halfway around the globe seems more daunting than ever. but i guess a part of me is looking forward to the challenge and the freedom.

and i don't know whether it's the uk talking but i'm starting to like oasis again hahah.

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