Sunday, August 10

surprisingly, i've found myself to be rather - okay the word busy is overreaching - not that free the past week. i love this pace of life right now. shan't go into details except that i better catch the next drumstick that hits me (or else) and that i'm itching to bring huayshan's smelly rabbit to the groomers. didn't know she had a rabbit? well neither did we. and huayshan, your huge flat screen tv is divine. marathon. soon. please. i'll bring the sheltox.

it was also the first time i've actually gone to catch the ndp fireworks (obviously excluding the times when i'm at the parade itself) . i was caught off guard by the sheer number of people there. tour groups and everything. singapore is severely overpopulated. i wonder how the youth olympics will turn out.

you know i woke up this morning feeling strangely at peace with the world, albeit partly due to the rain. everything just seems suddenly trivial and starkingly (not a real word but you know what i mean) clear. there are still so many things but sometimes i feel like burying myself in the ground for harbouring such spoilt, selfish whims. the world is so much bigger than just me.

and today, for the first time in a really long time, i genuinely felt glad about the field that i'm going into. certain doubts still come to mind, like maybe growing up in a different environment would give me the guts to pursue something else, but i honestly do think this is the best use of my time.

i don't think you realised the amount of impact those few words had on me. as much as i get called ang moh pai, i think i'm very asian at heart. family means a lot to me, probably more than you realise. so please don't worry. i won't forget.

i think this is the first time that i've felt ready to leave.

"when will you be home?" she asks
as we watch the planes take off.


huayshan and marianne said...

what lah sheltox. ya act my tv quite shiok to watch tonight i had movie marathon watched edward scissorhands,300 and some show called 5ive girls =)

elise said...



Shambled said...

wah so heartfelt, you are ready to fly, young peasant GO FLYYYYYYYYYY.

eh i havent watched edward yet. ok see you guys soon. and kill me now. i didnt go for hall dinner and i heard the hot ang moh freshies were there oMG DONT RUB IT IN DONT DONT DONT DONT. OK SEE YOU

sh said...

you're a brave girl! i wouldn't be ready to fly, ever, i think.

except for holidays. :x

huayshan and marianne said...

if you dont update within two days i will go over to your house and bite you.

sh said...

wonder if you've been bitten already...hmm