Sunday, June 22

what if you died tomorrow? 

i'm not sure what i would do if i knew today would be my last day on earth. would i attempt all the things i've always wanted to do? or just spend my last moments with family and friends in places i hold dear?

i can't deny that life's been good so far. but sometimes it feels rather mediocre? i don't know if that's the appropriate word. i'm just waiting for something bigger. to feel like i'm truly living this life. 


sh said...

maybe after singfest you'll feel fulfilled.

just kidding! :p

huayshan and marianne said...

if i were to die tmr, i'ld eat until my stomach burst today, and rob prada,gucci,and maybe guess and zara. and i'ld go up to every single one of my ex crushes and kiss them.then ild go to ure house and fart.

Anonymous said...

haha i wish there was such a thing as swapping lives with other people. who knows, maybe when you're older you can travel the world and see all there is to see out there. DREAM BIG! and huay shan, do you really want to be remembered as the girl who died farting?


Deborah Ann Hendricks said...

if i were to die tomorrow, i would spend the day in church. and with my family and friends.
and i probably would tell a special person how special he is to me, if i even have a special someone.

life sucks. we should all die.

elise said...


huay, please die in a more glam manner. i know it's difficult, but try. and i hope you're right lina!

ok deb, let's go to a really tall building tmr.