Sunday, June 29

i think we should all go practise our mandarin now.

there's an article in lifestyle today about how this american billionaire has moved to singapore just so his daughters can learn mandarin. they became parent volunteers and are planning to buy a house within a 1km radius just so their daughter can attend nanyang primary school. they've even hired a nanny from china.

apparently their daughter can speak mandarin fluently, without that jarring ang-moh type accent. come on, i think i still have that accent.

i'm going to turn on chinese tv now.
i do not want my yellow ass kicked by a 6 year old.


audrey said...

HAHAHA. i read that article too! and then had a sudden urge to speak mandarin. :p

Gossipgerl said...


elise said...

lazy to turn on the chinese typing programme haha